Rebalance with your inner self

We all have a plan and a carefully apportioned schedule that dedicates chunks of time as needed to the different areas of our life. But sometimes, even the best planners can’t keep up with the unpredictable nature of life. Just when we we think we have it ‘all figured out’, the slightest change sets off a domino effect that can feel overwhelming.

We’re often so busy juggling the demands of work, social life, family life, personal life, that sometimes we just need a minute to step back and ask ourselves: Does this serve you? I have met clients, and am also guilty of this myself, who are so laser focused on what’s next and on exceeding everyone else’s expectations that they forget to take a minute to prioritize what truly matters- their own health and well-being, both physical and mental.

As a working mother of two small children with pretty much no family support around me, I have found it daunting to coordinate and establish a solid infrastructure that keeps my kids activities organized, their school schedule sorted, their rides figured out, the babysitting arranged, while at the same time thinking non-stop about the next client deliverable and team meeting that is on the docket, all while trying to go above and beyond both at work and home. It is true- there are days that work may need you more than home and vice versa, but there is no day when you don’t need yourself. That’s the realization I had and I think it’s important to share. So what can you do when things are spiraling and you feel like you’re at a 100MPH with no end in sight?

  1. Put it in perspective: Recognize and check-in with your feelings. It’s ok not to be ok, but it’s important to understand why and recognize how it is making you feel in the moment. If you are aware of your feelings, you can talk and share them and feel more in control of your emotions.

  2. Prioritize your well-being: I cannot stress this enough. For some reason, our one workout class that ends up being at 6:15PM goes into the ‘cancel’ mode because we would rather finish up an important meeting or presentation before running home to put the kids to bed or be there for dinner. But don’t. Don’t cancel it- don’t check out, focus on yourself. It can be a workout, it can be a meditation, it can be whatever your zen is, but make sure you take it and make sure you prioritize it just like you would anything else in life. You are your biggest asset.

  3. Co-pilot as needed: It’s easy to do it all yourself because let’s face it, you know you’ll do it better. However, sometimes it’s ok to ask for help and delegate parts of our life to others. Lean into resources available or simply try to outsource areas where your time can be used wisely instead. For example, instead of rushing home to put together a dinner, have a meal service if you can so you can maximize the moments that matter with family. Ofcourse each situation is different, but it’s never a bad idea to raise your hand and ask for help when you need it- at home or at work.

At the end of the day, life can seem upside down at times- it’s only when we can find the balance in our inner self and prioritize our well-being, that we’ll be able to take it in stride and see things as they should be. I encourage you to do one thing that will be for you everyday- What will be your zen?


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